How To Make Elderberry Syrup (Kid Approved Vegan Recipe)

How To Make Elderberry Syrup (Kid Approved Vegan Recipe)

I’m thrilled so many of you found Alternatives to Modern Medicine: Immune Supporting Supplements helpful! Now, I love having the option to buy elderberry syrup via store or Amazon. However, there’s nothing quite like making your very own elderberry syrup at home. It can actually be quite therapeutic! Today, I’m sharing my very simple elderberry syrup recipe.Untitled design(29)

Why Make Your Own Elderberry Syrup?

First, making your own elderberry syrup is extremely easy. It’s also more affordable in the long run. My recipe yielded 20 oz and cost less than $10 to make! Pre-made elderberry syrup will run you about $12 to $30 depending on the size and brand you choose. We ran out of ssyrup twice when our entire family fell ill.

Also consider, when you make your own syrup, it allows you to know what’s going into it. You don’t have to question whether ingredients are safe or sourced ethically. You can also control the flavor of your syrup by adjusting ingredient measurements. Last, mashing elderberries while making your syrup is extremely therapeutic to me. That along with making homemade hemp or almond milk have to be the most relaxing recipes to make in my opinion. You also have the awesome option of adding this syrup to smoothies! My last post includes an Elderberry Blast Smoothie which is a hit at home and on Instagram!Untitled design(24)

Benefits of Elderberry

I detailed the benefits of elderberry in my last blog post Alternatives to Modern Medicine: Immune Supporting Supplements. In short, elderberry syrup provides us with an easy way to get the concentrated immune-boosting benefits of elderberries in a delicious way. My kids LOVE elderberry syrup but they love this recipe even more! My recipe uses synergistic herbs like ginger and celyon cinnamon for taste + an extra immune boost. Adding turmeric and clove boosts this DIY elderberry syrup’s antiseptic, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory abilities. You can add raw or Manuka honey for an even greater immune boost but it is optional. If you’re vegan or administering this syrup to babies be sure to seek a honey free option. I used maple syrup as a sweetener rather than honey and it came out great! Untitled design(25)

We also use elderberry syrup for seasonal allergy relief. Elderberry contains flavonoids that can reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes. When you sweeten homemade elderberry syrup with local honey it helps your immune system to adjust to pollen local to the area in which you live. Think about it like this, bees collect pollen from the local flowers and trees, which allows you to introduce your immune system to the local pollen sources. Your immune system slowly adjusts (much like an allergy shot) and can begin to develop immunity.

Where To Purchase Elderberries

If you can find a local source such as a farm or frontier co-op those are both great options. If not, just purchase from Amazon from a reputable seller. I buy organic dried whole elderberries in bulk for a great deal here.Untitled design(26)

How To Make Elderberry Syrup

You can either boil your elderberries stove top or use an Instant Pot. Personally, I found the Instant Pot option much quicker and easier. If you use an Instant Pot just be sure to use the “manual” option. Here is the recipe!Copy of Berry Blast Smoothie.jpg

Dosage Recommendations

Standard dose is ½ – 1 teaspoon for kids and ½ – 1 tablespoon for adults. When illness strikes we double the dose. Check out my post on Alternatives to Modern Medicine: Immune Supporting Supplements for more holistic options!

Let me know if you try this recipe!

Be Well,




  1. jenna
    / 4:17 pm

    Great post – this is such an interesting thing I would like to try! When I saw the picture I totally thought about the flavored syrups at IHOP πŸ˜› Wrong type of syrup for sure! Thanks for sharing!
    -Jenna β™₯
    Stay in touch? The Chic Cupcake

    • Healthy Hair To Toe
      / 4:18 pm

      I don’t blame you! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Thanks for reading! ❀️🌱

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