3 Easy DIY Conditioners for Dry Damaged Hair

Between heat styling, protective styling or just plain old over manipulation, it’s easy for our hair to become dry, damaged or worse..both. Here are 3 easy DIY conditioners that require only 1-2 ingredients max to repair your hair while keeping it hydrated, healthy and thriving!

Greek Yogurt Hair Mask

What you’ll need:

1 cup of plain non-flavored Greek yogurt. diy conditioner hair

That’s it! Greek yogurt is such an easy and awesome way to give your hair and scalp essential protein and probiotics when your stands are feeling weak and brittle. Greek yogurt contains more protein than traditional yogurt, about 20g per 6-8 ounce container. Greek Yogurt is also rich in calcium, potassium, zinc, vitamins B6 and B12., and probiotic cultures which are all necessary for shiny, moisturized and healthy hair. Probiotics are vital healthy bacteria that not only promote a healthy gut but also a healthy scalp and minimize hair loss.

How To Use:

Just massage into scalp, apply to hair. You can leave this hydrating mask on your hair from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Tip: Just be sure to rinse very thoroughly with warm water to prevent your hair from smelling like spoiled milk.

Olive Oil & Honey Hair Mask

What you’ll need:

1 tbsp raw organic honey & 3 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil. diy conditioner hair olive oil honey hair mask

This mask is a 2 for 1. You’ll have hydrated hair while promoting healthy hair growth. Olive oil is extremely lightweight but also has the ability to penetrate the hair and scalp better than most oils. It’s also a natural anti-inflammatory agent that promotes both scalp health and prevents dandruff. When using extra virgin olive oil you are giving your hair an even bigger boost due to its high levels of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Keep in mind, vitamin E is an essential antioxidant that encourages hair growth. Honey works as a natural antiseptic and anti bacterial agent. It works to keep our scalp clear of infectious bacteria and dandruff. Honey is also a natural heat protectant, which makes it an ideal ingredient for naturals that heat style often. Lastly, honey is a natural humectant. It will prevent the loss of moisture from the hair, a common issue during cold winters and very hot/humid summers.

How To Use:

Add olive oil to honey and blend until smooth and even. Apply to hair and leave on for 30-45 minutes without heat. 20 minutes with heat. Tip: If you have fine hair & find your hair weighed down after oil treatments, use as a pre-poo instead.

Olive & Coconut Oil Protein Treatment

What you’ll need:

Equal parts extra virgin olive oil and extra virgin (and unrefined) coconut oil.diy conditioner hair olive oil honey hair mask damaged hair

This DIY conditioner will leave your hair stronger, more manageable all while clarifying your scalp. First, coconut oil is an antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral agent. Just like olive oil, coconut oil can prevent scalp conditions and promote hair growth by keeping our scalp free of harmful and infectious bacteria. Second, coconut oil works as a great detangler pre-wash. I love using it before doing an apple cider vinegar rinse! Watch tutorial here.

Our hair is made up of 91% protein. Protein is what makes our hair strong and resilient but we lose a bit of it every time we cleanse our hair. Coconut oil helps to replenish that lost protein, which also helps to prevent excessive hair loss due to unnatural breakage and shedding.

How To Use:

Just blend ingredients and apply to hair in sections. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Tip: Be sure to use unrefined and extra virgin coconut oil since it has not been stripped of its vital nutrients through various heating processes like refined coconut oil.

Why Less is More

You don’t always need a million ingredients or products to achieve healthy hair. That can get just downright expensive! These treatments are ridiculously affordable since you probably already have these ingredients in your pantry and fridge. I also love that these 3 DIY conditioners will not have you guessing what ingredients you’re putting in your hair making them very safe to use. What more can a no fuss naturalista ask for?

Do you have any staple DIY ingredients for your conditioners? Do you prefer to use store bought conditioner instead?

Thanks for reading!

Healthy Hair To Toe



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